Saturday, June 30, 2007

Big Brother 8 (US): 5d5h4m to go!

I've been watching Big Brother for 8 seasons now. I've had the live feeds for three. I suppose I'm a true voyeur, because I have no interest in actually being on the show/in the house; I just want to watch.

This year the twist appears to be enemies. People who hate each other, or are uncomfortable around each other. So far it looks like a pair of cheerleaders, a father and his daughter, and possibly a couple of gay exes.

As every summer, when I'm not working or sleeping, I'm in front of the computer watching the live feeds and moderating at BigBrotherUpdates. Come check us out and join the board! Even if you just want to lurk as a guest, you're welcome, and you can sign up for the live feeds from a link on the main page.